Thus far you have learned how to observe interactions, assess verbal and nonverb

Thus far you have learned how to observe interactions, assess verbal and nonverbal communication, and identify barriers to communication. Process recording is a tool used by social work students, educators, and supervisors to examine the dynamics of an interaction at a particular time. It can help you conceptualize and organize ongoing activities with client systems. It also clarifies the purpose of the interview, helping identify strengths and weaknesses in your written expression. The process recording allows for objective feedback from your supervisor but also serves to improve your self-awareness. In this Assignment, you use your skills to assess the interaction between a client or clients and a social worker and to record your observations.
To Prepare: Choose a Southside Community Services video, paying close attention to the interaction and practice skills portrayed.
Submit a 4- to 5-page paper that includes the following:
Using the template provided in the Learning Resources, submit a process recording of an interaction portrayed in one of the Southside Community Services videos.
Demonstrate the flow of conversation, the practice skills utilized, and the thoughts and feelings of the interviewer.

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