textboob Research Methods in Psychology John Shaughnessy; Eugene Zechmeister; Je

textboob Research Methods in Psychology
John Shaughnessy; Eugene Zechmeister; Jeanne Zechmeister
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Create a 6-question survey on a topic of your choice. Please have the first 3 items as examples of good questions (e.g., open-ended for a qualitative study) and the last 3 as examples of poorly chosen questions (e.g., double-barreled or biased questions). Please identify at least 5 concepts from your text to explain why the good questions are good and why the poorly worded questions are bad.
Then, please discuss what reliability are and how they would relate to the survey. Specifically, note how inter-rater reliability, test-retest reliability, internal validity, and external validity could be used to determine the quality of the survey. Also, please provide a real-life example of when it is important to have strong inter-rater reliability (in your chosen field, or in other testing experiences that you have had).
Supplementary Resources:
Here is an interesting audio clip that gives an example of one person’s attempt to operationalize pain. If you like the clip, you can search for more like it at: www.Radiolab.org
Unit 4 – Radiolab – Pain
Validity and Reliability
Please the criteria for grading is very important to follow
The criteria for these three components will be as follows. In fact, your feedback will be given through the rubric:
CRITERIA Deficient (0 20 Points Each) Development Needed (20 30 Points Each) Proficient to Exemplary (30 – 33 Points Each)
1 APA-style and clear, professional writing is missing a number of components, and does not accurately reflect APA style or is not written clearly or professionally; includes a number of misspellings included all or most components written somewhat unclearly with some misspellings; adequate, but needs work is in APA-style, including in-text citations and formatting; includes APA-style title page and references; written clearly and professionally with very rare misspellings
2 Providing a pdf Does not provide pdf N/A Provides pdf (word document of full text is also acceptable)
3 Identifying and explaining an ethical dilemma Is unable to include either an identification or explanation of an ethical dilemma Identifies an ethical dilemma and explanation; is written somewhat unclearly with some misspellings; needs work Identifies and explains the specific ethical dilemma (e.g., Principle C: Integrity) with professional writing; is clear and correct with correct spelling

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