Synthesis and Reflection Paper

Over the past 6 weeks, you have been introduced to some of the foundational concepts of negotiation, a process that is fundamental to conflict management in almost any setting. 

Read each prompt carefully and respond to what is asked of you. Create a subheading for each prompt. Your responses should be clear and concise and should include course material, textbooks, and outside sources to support your responses. All citations and your reference page should be in APA format.

Your paper should be a minimum of 2,200 words.

  1. Introduction – Grab the reader’s attention!
  2. Explain the function of a BATNA and its importance in a negotiation. Define and explain the basic elements of a negotiation. What is a target point? What is a reservation point? What function do a target point, reservation point, and BATNA play in a negotiation?
  3. Why should negotiators segment the issues in a negotiation into multiple issues and identify issue alternatives rather than engage in a single-issue negotiation? 
  4. Define and explain the difference between issues, positions, and interests in a negotiation. In the International Panda Negotiation, what were your sides interests? What were your sides positions? 
  5. What is one of the key threats to the ability of negotiators to consider the perspective of the counterparty? Why is it important for a negotiator to ask the counterparty diagnostic questions about their underlying interests and priorities?
  6. Explain the difference between integrative and distributive bargaining. Describe in detail a distributive bargaining negotiation example and an integrative bargaining negotiation example. What benefit does integrative bargaining provide?
  7. What are some of the misperceptions about the meaning of a win-win negotiation? Why do these misperceptions contribute to leaving money on the table in negotiation situations?
  8. Describe and explain the most surprising negotiation tactic or strategy you learned in this course. Describe and explain the most effective negotiation tactic or strategy you learned in this course.
  9. Why is it important for negotiators to separate positions from interests and engage in perspective-taking with the counterparty, especially in value-based conflicts? 
  10. What are some personal strategies a negotiator can use to move the counterparty away from rights- and power-based arguments to an interest-based focus?
  11. What role does ethics play in negotiation? Are tactics in negotiation either right or wrong, black or white, or is there an in-between gray area? Can a Christian negotiator utilize tactics that fall into a gray area? Explain your answer and provide support from the text, from scripture, or from outside academic resources, utilizing at least two of these types of sources.
  12. What are some suggested strategies for negotiators to improve their cross-cultural effectiveness?
  13. Conclusion
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