Style of Music

Write an essay of 2-3 pages on one particular style of music we covered in class. Unlike your written reflections this is a formal piece of writing and should include citations when necessary, as well as a header and title. Pick something you found interesting as this assignment will potentially require you to dig a little deeper and put in some additional resources. Here are some suggestions of topics you might choose to write about, but you not required to choose from this list. 


  1. Native American Tribal Music 
  2. Ewe drumming and dance
  3. South Indian Classical Music 
  4. Blues 
  5. Goralski and Podhale Folk Music 


Your essay should include the following.


  1. An introductory paragraph where you introduce the geographical background as well as cultural context this music exists in. This paragraph should close with your thesis of the essay. What is special about this music? Tell your reader what you will be writing about. 
  2. 2 paragraphs that examine specific parts of the music-culture practices in detail. For example, what instruments are used, and how are they made; a deep dive into how the music is formally organized; the role of this music in broader society, etc. 
  3. A conclusion that wraps up the main points of your paper. In this last section you should compare and contrast the two topics from your body paragraphs that precede this. 


Be curious and exploratory. This should not be a regurgitation of what is said in the text. Find new and exciting examples of your chosen topic. Your grade will mostly come from how original your thoughts are. Your ability as an ethnomusicologist is not what is being tested here. Instead, I am looking for a clear engagement with a culture and the music that come from it.

Feel free to reach out with any questions. 

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