see below


World Leaders – Compare and contrast two world leaders (e.g., Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan, or Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill). Describe their political goals, leadership styles, and significant events that occurred during their time as leaders.

Civil Disobedience – Describe an example of civil disobedience in history (e.g., the Salt March, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Tiananmen Square Protests). Explain what the goal of the protest was and whether it was successful or not.

Geneva Conventions – Outline a brief history of the Geneva Conventions and describe at least two of the rules of war. Explain why these rules are in place and what happens when a rule is violated.

Sample Essay Outline

I.  Introduction; Paragraph 1: What is the essay about? (approx. 5 sentences)

  1. First point/idea overview
  2. Second point/idea overview
  3. Third point/idea overview (if necessary)                                                                                                                                                                                       

II. Body Paragraph 2: Topic sentence for first point/idea

  1. Supporting detail #1
  2. Supporting detail #2
  3. Supporting detail #3


III.  Body Paragraph 3: Topic sentence transitioning to second point/idea

  1. Supporting detail #1
  2. Supporting detail #2
  3. Supporting detail #3     


IV.  Body Paragraph 4: Topic sentence transitioning to third point/idea (if necessary)

  1. Supporting detail #1
  2. Supporting detail #2
  3. Supporting detail #3


V.  Concluding Paragraph 5: Analysis/What was the point of the essay? What does the information reveal?

  1. Summary of first point/idea
  2. Summary of second point/idea
  3. Summary of third point/idea   

                     *** in-text citations must be implemented throughout the essay***

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