
Do not include any screenshots. You must provide a written report. In this report, you must explain the following based on the
information covered in this course and you may utilize the Internet to get additional information. All
referenced and copy write work must be cited. Failing to do so will count your points. Select one out of
the four Topics listed. Provide no more than two pages explaining the Topic.
Your Name CPT 282 Topics 1. Policy Hierarchy What is it, what does it consist of, why do we need it? 2. Why do we need Asset Management? What is hardware vs. software assets? What are Asset
Inventory Characteristics?
3. Explain the Employee Life Cycle and the security implications. 4. Explain Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and the phases.
Example with work cited:
Asset Management

Numerous efforts contribute to the successful management of an organization or a business
entity. As a process, it refers to the proceeds that go into the development, operation,
maintaining, and selling of assets in a cost-effective manner (Baird, 2011).
. .

Corporate Finance Institute (2021). What is asset management? CFI Education Inc. Retrieved on
19 June 2021 from

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