MODULE 5 Quick Take: Free Verse by Strangers. This week, you’ll read 4 poems wri

MODULE 5 Quick Take: Free Verse by Strangers.
This week, you’ll read 4 poems written in free verse. Find the poems, & a fast definition of “free verse See file pdf in the attachment. “Primer,”
Assignment Specifications
Interpret free-verse poem:  “Primer,” 
Free verse has no rhyme pattern, no required number of lines or syllables. Woo hoo! The poet chooses where to break lines, how long the lines are, etc., for reasons particular to the poem.  Each choice has an impact–to slow or speed how fast you read that part? to convey a setting or a time period? to…?  Identify some creative choices in “Primer” that led you to interpret the poem the way you do. 
What drew you to this particular poem? 
Please use paragraphs (not lists or bullet points). 
230 words
12-point font
I want your best. Be specific with the attached materials. 
Please upload the file as a Word. Text will be reviewed by SimCheck for plagiarism. 
I don’t accept external sources, you just need to use readings for the class. 
IMPORTANET.  be specific because I will make sure that your paper matches the INSTRUCTIONS exactly.
Note: Avoid PLAGIARISM (0) and copying and pasting you will get you ZERO. I will scan the papers. 230 words or more

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