Modern an policing Class During the 19th Century, police departments often provi

Modern an policing Class
During the 19th Century, police departments often provide social services, such as emptying public privies and removing garbage. What types of social services do our law enforcement officers engage in today? 
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1-Social Services provided today
Law enforcement officers engage in drastically different social work today then they did in the 19th century. The improvements in technology really created a whole new problem set for police officers as they have to deal with issues such cyber bullying, out of context videos, and just a general problem set where a lot of it lies in a grey area. A good example of police officers doing social work today could range from them handing out food during a certain event to playing sports with the younger generation in order to build trust and confidence between officers and their communities. Policers officers today almost have an obligation to take care of any problem set that they are asked on top of their additional daily duties. Most police officers today have taken on this role model figure linking a lot of communities together. A good example of this is the police officer that recently pulled over a man because his child wasnt in the car seat, however the man didnt have enough money for one, so the officer took him to the store and bought a car seat for the child. This is just one example of how different policing has become in America and it is still changing. De-escalation and stopping crimes before they are committed through leadership is another example of social work that police do today. Going from a force that originated as people who either didnt want to be there or were forced to by their towns to what it is today is amazing.
2-Social Services Discussion
Today the police preform a variety of different social services to the public. One I am fond of that my police department participates in would be. Every year in order to raise money for our police association. We have a softball game against some of the old and present New England Patriots players. We sell cheap tickets offer discounted food and beverages that is all provided by our police association. This allows families and kids to come see there local police officers out of uniform playing a fun game and being human. The Patriot players also, sign autographs and take pictures with fans after the game so do officers. Another social event my department holds once a year in the summer time is called National Night Out. Where we hold like a mini fair at one of city parks. We work with other city social groups who show up to help. We offer free food such as hamburgers, photogs, and ice cream for the kids. We display all of our police equipment and police vehicles to allow pictures people to sit in them ask us questions about their functions. All the officers spread out and mingle with the public talking and introducing themselves handing out their business cards. We have the Wessex County Sheriffs Dept. who comes with their K9’s and puts on a demonstration. It is a great community event that grows bigger each year. Most recently my department started what is called a Behavior Health Unit because of the current mental health crisis. The main function of this unit is an officer works alongside with a license mental health clinician. Their main purpose is to respond to mental health related calls where a person could be in crisis due to mental health issues. This officer is specially trained and works closely with the clinician who can if need be get the person the help they need and deserve. 
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