I am a forth year student majored in Economics and commerce. My dream job is dat

I am a forth year student majored in Economics and commerce.
My dream job is data analyst business analyst in the bank.
I had an internship experience in bank before.
Answer the following questions by the provided background by 200 words per question
Question 1
Share a piece of career advice that you have received in the past with your group, and discuss how it may have helped or not helped, or perhaps hindered you in some way in terms of your own career and working life goals. Then review the career counselling myths on page 5 of your text and consider these in light of the career advice you received.
Question 2
How do you see your own career goals and development being affected by the rapid changes occurring worldwide?
Question 3
Reflecting on the Theory of Work Adjustment, address the following:
Have you ever been in a job that was very dissatisfying? What needs were not met in this job?
How did you adjust?
Did you try to change yourself or your job, or both?
Question 4
Many people think that interests are the most important thing to consider when deciding on a career. I disagree. I think values are more important. Interests are related to the question “What do I like to do?” Values are related to the question “What kind of life do I want to live?”
You will reflect on your values by doing pages 30-34 of your Career Pathways workbook. For your discussion posting you can either:
Think about a past or current job and reflect on how it aligned (or didn’t align) with your values; or
Think about a career you are pursuing and reflect on how it fits with your values

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