How do you connect the discussion in the Stuck in the Shallow End chapter about

How do you connect the discussion in the Stuck in the Shallow End chapter about the history of African Americans and swimming in the U.S. to the conversation around historical racism and/or bias in education? Do you see similar historical barriers to education for racial and/or gender minorities? If so, do you think these ideas connect to our readings in the last two weeks about gender bias and feminism? 
What stood out most to you in the “The Secret History of Women in Coding” article? How do you see that extending the discussions we’ve read from Unlocking the Clubhouse and Stuck in the Shallow End? 
Read Clive Thompson’s “The Secret History of Women in Coding, (Links to an external site.)” The New York Times 
This is a magazine article that discusses the history and founding of computer science as primarily women. Pay close attention to the first half of the article, and the parts mentioning Jane Margolis (who’s two books we have read part of now, Unlocking the Clubhouse and Stuck in the Shallow End!) 

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