Happiness & Well-Being


Paper #1 Assignment 

Spring 2022 


Write a 3-5 page typed, double-spaced paper on one of the topics below. Please type the paper in 

12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins all around, and a page numssber on each 

page. For further guidelines, please consult the handout on writing a philosophy paper, available 

on Canvas. 


Please submit an electronic copy of your essay, following the instructions below. Please submit 

one file, which begins with an outline of your paper and then follows with your paper on a new 

page. The outline does not count toward your page count, nor do your references. 


Please submit your essay as a Word document. Please follow this file naming convention:  

Lastname_Firstname_TopicN.docx. For example, if your name is Henrietta Borkowski and you 

write on Topic 2, you will name your file Borkowski_Henrietta_Topic2.docx. 


Deductions of two percentage points will be made for each of the following. 

1. Missing page numbers. These help me refer to various spots in your paper in my final 


2. Paper not in the correct font, not double-spaced, or with incorrect margins. The paper 

needs to be formatted correctly for you and me to see if it meets the guideline for number 

of pages. 

3. Missing outline or outline not at the beginning of the paper. This is an essential tool for 

imposing organizational structure on your paper. 

4. Failure to follow the file naming convention. This helps me sort papers by topic before 


5. Submission of a file other than a Microsoft Word document. This is the format most 

useful for providing you feedback on your paper and is the industry standard in the work 



Submission Instructions: 

Click on the link in Canvas for Paper #1 Upload. Follow the prompts to upload your 

paper. If you are having difficulty, watch this video to see what to click on to submit your 





Note 1: When you are finished, please download your digital receipt and save it in case there is 

any question whether you submitted your paper on time. (The video linked to above shows how 

to do this.) If you do not receive a digital receipt, your paper was not successfully submitted. 


Note 2: Papers must be submitted through Canvas. If you are required to do weekly COVID 

tests, please make sure you are up to date so you can submit your paper on time. Papers can be 

submitted late, but will incur a late charge as outlined on the syllabus. Papers will only be 

accepted through Canvas, and not through e-mail, paper copies, or any means other than Canvas. 


Note 3: All papers will be checked by Turnitin.com for indications of plagiarism.

Consider a friend of yours (or someone else you know, or a ‘friend’ of yours) who you think 

would score very low on the measures of subjective well-being (SWB) posted on Canvas and 

discussed in class. Write a well-focused prescription for your friend for how they can improve 

their long-term SWB. Be sure to explain what SWB is in the first place, and how it is measured. 

You should include a discussion of at least two internal predictors of SWB and at least two 

external predictors of SWB that your friend can choose or change about themselves and discuss 

what your friend should do in order to change that aspect. Be sure to write the paper in such a 

way that it can be understood by someone who has no prior knowledge of subjective well-being.

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