For this discussion, choose one (and just one) of the following options to respo

For this discussion, choose one (and just one) of the following options to respond to and name the option you chose in the subject line of your post.
Continue to work on improving your APA style citations and references.
Also, think about the purpose of your post this weekare you trying to inform or persuade (or another purpose)? Write to your purpose.
Option 1: Credible Sources
After reviewing the What You Need To Know resources on credible sources, think about where you get your information in your daily life:
Discuss the type of information you look for and if credibility is important.
What happens when you get inaccurate information?
Option 2: Paraphrase
After reviewing the What You Need To Know resources on paraphrasing, respond to the following:
What did you learn about paraphrasing that you didnt know before.
Share the strategies you learned which will improve your paraphrasing.
Option 3: What Interested You?
After completing your readings this week, discuss something from this course that interested you, think about.
Describe the new idea or concept.
Discuss what interested you about this idea or concept or how you can see it being useful in your life.

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