First: Imagine that you or someone close to you is going to give birth soon. You

Imagine that you or someone close to you is going to give birth soon. You are either creating a birth plan or helping someone create a birth plan.
Review the class resources on childbirth as well resources of your choice on birth plans such as:
Google “birth plan” and see what you find
Develop a 1 to 2 page birth plan that provides information you’d want a caregiver to know if they were helping you, or someone close to you, give birth. Potential things to consider include:
Who and what should be nearby
Communication preferences
Medical interventions 
Pain management
After delivery
Cite at least 1 class resource to support an explanation for why you are making one of your choices.
Format Options
As always, you may write a paper, take a video, do slide presentation, or create annotated art to convey your thinking about this topic. Generally, papers should be about 2 pages (double spaced) in length. If you are doing something other than a paper, be sure that the work represents the equivalent of a 2 page paper. If your assignment is longer, or more involved, it’s OK. We will engage with whatever you create. 

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