ff Describe your professional goals. Why do you want to study in Estonia and at

Describe your professional goals. Why do you want to study in Estonia and at the TalTech School of Business and Governance? How does the International Business Administration programme support your professional life and career intentions? Which of the specializations is particularly beneficial in pursuing your professional goals? 
Do you study and/or work? What kind of education have you completed or are acquiring at the moment? How many years have passed since your last training course at school, university, open university, executive training, etc.? Have you got any other academic achievements, i.e. participating in contests or Olympiads? Where and for how long have you been working, and what have been your tasks? (0-2 points)
Describe your experiences, knowledge and skills related to business. Have you taken part in any school projects, competitions, online courses, lectures or read on your own any books, articles, followed newspapers and podcasts on the topic? Have you worked in family business or created your own start-up? (0-2 points)
Describe your language skills, i.e. English and other foreign languages. How long have you studied English, to what extent and for what do you use it outside of school?Describe your international experiences. Have you studied, worked or lived abroad or travelled to foreign countries? What have you learned from these experiences, how does it contribute to studying business administration and working in business? (0-2 points)
What are your interests and social activities? (0-2 points)

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