Exercise 1 (30 points)This exercise is applying some of the concepts in class on

Exercise 1 (30 points)This exercise is applying some of the concepts in class on Sustainable Development Indicators in SaudiArabia. 
A (20 points). Pick 3 pairs of indicators among the actual indicators used in the Saudi Arabian SDGs. Arguehow there is a tradeoff within that pair, ie how improving one of the indicators will almost surely lead toreductions in the other indicator of that pair.
B (10 points) Argue how the importance of disembodied knowledge leads to limitations in top-downcontrol and hence the impossibility of using most of the sustainable development indicators for policymaking in Saudi Arabia. 
2Exercise 2 (30 points)Think of the sector of the economy you picked in Assignment 3, question 3 (where I asked you aboutmarket failures).Think of that same sector but now give me examples of three positive economies of scale within aparticular organization in that sector, and then three negative economies of scale. 
Exercise 3 (40 points)Think of the organization or relationship you referred to in your Assignment 3, question 1. 
A (20 points). Give 3 examples of tradeoff in that organization of relationship, ie where having more ofone thing inevitably means having less of something else.
B (20 points). Give 2 examples of market failures in that organisation or relationship, and then how theproblems associated with those market failures are addressed (if at all).

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