Electronic Journey for my Chemical Dependency Counseling course

Students will read and summarize (in APA format) a research article in the area of screening,
assessment, treatment, or ethics in the chemical dependency field. You must access this
professional journal article from one of Wor-Wic Community College’s social science
research databases. The article should be conducting original research. (The heading of
“Methodology” or “Methods” in the article is usually a good indication that the article is
conducting original research.) Your proposed article should be digitally submitted to me by the
date specified in the syllabus to ensure that you have chosen an appropriate article. The
completed write-up is due by the date specified in the syllabus. Students will submit their papers
digitally via Blackboard’s SafeAssign dropbox mechanism.
A student must have completed the APA/Plagiarism Blackboard quiz with a grade of 70%
or higher in order to be able to submit this assignment.
Put the APA citation for the article at the top of the summary. If you use direct quotes from the
article in your paper, please make sure you cite what page you got the quotation from in APA
format. No more than approximately 20% of the paper should be direct quotations. The purpose
of writing a paper is gaining personal knowledge of the subject being investigated. Superfluous
direct quotation is counter-productive in facilitating this process. Excessive direct quotation may
be penalized with loss of points.
The paper should be typed in double-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12. Please put a
cover page with your name, e-mail address, class, date of paper submittal and my name on it.
The paper should be at least 2 pages in length (exclusive of the cover page).
The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the structure of a research article. In
your research summary include summaries of the following:
 Introduction
o What is the research topic?
o Why is it important to study and how does it relate to the field of chemical
dependency counseling?
 Participants/Subjects
o Who is being researched? How were they recruited?
o What are the subjects’ characteristics (ex: age, gender, race/ethnicity, etc.)?
o How many people took part in the study?
 Method/Research Design
o What is the researcher(s)’s hypothesis?
o What assessment tools did they use to measure the hypothesis?
o How was the information gathered (ex: survey, interviews, etc)?
 Findings/Results
o What were the results of the research?
o Was the hypothesis supported or disputed?
 Application of the Research
o How could the results be useful for the field of chemical dependency counseling?

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