Drawing on published research, critically evaluate the extent to which individual performance related pay (IPRP) can stimulate higher levels of employee motivation.

Drawing on published research, critically evaluate the extent to
which individual performance related pay (IPRP) can stimulate higher
levels of employee motivation.
Consider in what circumstances IPRP tends to motivate employees
and why, and in what circumstances it tends not to work so well and why?
Ensure that in answering this question you take account of
contextual issues such as those concerning the type of occupation, the standard
of income and values in a country and individual differences etc.
Your task is to complete sufficient reading and any other
independent research in order to produce a good quality essay. You must write
an essay (not a report) but may use subheadings if you wish.
on published research completed by academics and/or HR practitioners / writers
into how IPRP has worked or not worked in organisations.
account of several contextual issues. Examples could be the type of occupation,
the culture and values in a country and individual differences etc.
identifies what drives organisations to introduce IPRP (this involves brief
mention of relevant theories connected to employee motivation).
the circumstances in which IPRP is most likely and least likely to be effective
in helping organisations attain their goals.
Word length: The essay must be approximately 2,000 words in
length, not including any appendices or the references. You can exceed the word
count above by up to 10% but essays longer than this i.e., beyond 2,200 words
will not be fully considered or gain further marks.
Purpose of the Assessment
The purpose of this assignment is to test your level of knowledge
and understanding of specific Human Resource issues and research findings and
your ability to use these in producing a well written and persuasive essay.

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