developing personal relationships and building teams.

write fiverealistic scenarios focusing on difficult or uncomfortable situations thatcould occur in a healthcare setting and a nurse leader or manager could resolveusing the five social and emotional power skills. Each scenario must meet thefollowing requirements:


  The scenario should be 150250 words.


  Characters in the scenario should befictional; use first names only.


  Use a conversational tone when scenariocharacters are interacting; include quotation marks around any dialogue.


  The scenario should be resolvable by one ofthe five social and emotional power skills.


  If referencing scholarly sources, cite thework in the text


Explainwhich of the five social and emotional power skills you would use to addressthe situation in the scenario and how it applies to the scenario


Explainhow you could apply one of your personal strengths to support your plan toaddress the situation in the scenario.


Selecta communication strategy that would help build consensus among stakeholders inthe scenario, and explain why the strategy is appropriate for the scenario andhow it addresses the opportunity statement for the scenario.


Acknowledgesources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, less than 5years old, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

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