Contributions of Florence Nightingale to Nursing Practice

During Modules One and Two of this course you have refreshed your understanding of the terms philosophy and science. This knowledge is then applied to the philosophy of science in nursing. Course readings provide the foundation for your reflection on your worldview or lens informing professional nursing practice. From a historical perspective, Florence Nightingales nursing work continues to provide significant influence in creating nursing knowledge, cultures of safety, and nursings call to improve the health of the community.

What is your philosophy of professional nursing practice? What is your perceived view of nursing? What are your enduring values that brought you to nursing? How do you describe patient, health, environment, and nursing? How does this worldview influence your nursing care? Has your worldview of nursing practice changed as a result of your nursing experiences?

The following criteria are used to assign points to Assignment One:

  • Discuss your own philosophy of professional nursing practice.
  • What influences may be aligned with the work of Florence Nightingale?
  • Incorporate topics from readings and exploration of course and other scholarly resources. Include introspective discussion and remarks that demonstrate your individual lens describing the practice of nursing.
  • The written philosophy of nursing is presented in a well-organized thoughtful paper. Include external scholarly resources to support your position.
  • Paper is written in APA style without grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Length of paper should be 3 4 pages (body of text). Length of written discourse does not include the title page, figures, diagrams or reference pages.

All nursing students are required to submit assignment by end of the academic week. This assignment will be evaluated based on the stated point values and criteria as stated in the rubric and is due in Module Three. 

Assignment 1 Rubric


 40 Points

38 Points

35 points

10 Points

Points Achieved

Content: application & analysis

Philosophy of nursing

Includes 4 or more characteristics that describe students philosophy of nursing . Introspective and reflective remarks are evident.

Includes 3 characteristics that describe students philosophy of nursing with little evidence of introspection or self-reflection.

Includes 2 characteristics that describe students philosophy of nursing. No introspection or self-reflection evident.  

Includes 1 characteristic that describes students philosophy of nursing. No introspection or self-reflection evident.


 Quality: supporting research & sources

Conveys ideas using topics from readings. Uses 4 or more contemporary scholarly sources. Exploration of external course resources apparent.

Conveys ideas using topics from readings. Uses 3 contemporary scholarly sources. Exploration of external course resources apparent.

Conveys ideas using topics from readings. Uses 2 contemporary scholarly sources or exploration of external course resources is not apparent

Conveys ideas using topics from readings. Uses 1 contemporary scholarly source or exploration of external course resources is not apparent



10 Points

8 Points

7 Points

2 Points

Points Achieved

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation

There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

There are a few (1-2) minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not detract from the meaning

There are major errors (3-5) in grammar and spelling.

There are major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Paper lacks organization.


APA Compliance

The paper meets APA formatting guidelines.

There are a few (1-2) minor errors in APA formatting.

There are numerous (3-5) errors in APA format.

There are significant errors in APA  format of the paper.





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