Assg #2

Please use first-person POV and this is not a research paper so it needs more experiences

 and stories. 


The Fifteenth Century

              Florence:Commune and Guild

              Florence:The Medici and Political Propaganda

              Rome:Re-establishing Papal Power

              Venice:Affirming the Past and Present

              CourtlyArt: The Gothic and Classic

              SforzaMilan: Ducal Splendor

The First Half of the Sixteenth Century

              Florence:The Renewed Republic

              Rome:Julius II, Leo X, and Clement VII

              Florence:Mannerism and the Medici

              Mantua,Parma, and Genoa: The Arts at Court

              Venice:Vision and Monumentality

The Later Sixteenth Century

              TheRome of Paul III

              NorthernItaly: Reform and Innovation

              Florenceunder Cosimo I

              Rome:A European Capital City

Length:1000 words


Museum and galleries around the worldresponded to the pandemic by making their collections available online. Virtualtours were possible. Public talks and podcasts by curators and scholars alongwith an amazing variety of content was made available. Nothing replacesstanding in front of a work of art but the quality of the images online andzoom function has made it possible to study works to a remarkable degree.

These three assignments are geared toproviding you with an opportunity to explore the collections of museums orgalleries that display works covered by this course. I want to broaden theoptions to allow you to also select a podcast, a public talk, a documentary oran exhibition to comment on.

Please ensure that your selection fallswithin the scope of this course. If in doubt, ask me. If the work does not fallwithin the purview of this course, I will return the assignment and give youthe opportunity to resubmit it.

These are less formal writing assignmentsso you can personalize them. There is no need for an introduction orconclusion. Dont forget to DOUBLE SPACE the assignment and provide a link tothe source material you select. 

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