What does the NPA (Nurse practice act) contain as the essential elements regarding delegation (as in ATI) Describe the 5 rights of delegation—name them and define them

Take time and prepare these notes carefully (use a different color for responses, for example). You are building a comprehensive study guide—you can build on these notes in class to supplement and enhance your learning.
Week 1: What you should know # 2
Identify specific strategies for successful delegation
What does the NPA (Nurse practice act) contain as the essential elements regarding delegation (as in ATI)
Describe the 5 rights of delegation—name them and define them
Provide an example of each of the 5 rights of delegation
Describe the criteria for delegation to an unlicensed assisted personnel (UAP)
Name 5 tasks that are generally considered appropriate for delegation to UAPs
Describe the reasons nurses will underdelegate tasks.
Describe the situations in which nurses will overdelegate tasks
Draw the decision tree created by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) that is used to determine appropriate tasks for UAPs—(apply the example of obtaining a blood sugar value to this model to determine if that would be an appropriate task to delegate)
Name the key differences between what roles and responsibilities exist for RNs and contraluvst that with those of LPNs

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