VICTORIA’s SECRETcapstone paper that analyzes a business topic and provides recommendations and is supported with credible resources that demonstrate evidence-based thinking.

Create a 15-20 page capstone paper that analyzes a business topic and provides recommendations and is supported with credible resources that demonstrate evidence-based thinking.
Paper should be 15–20 pages single-spaced, not including front and back matter (cover page, executive summary, table of contents, references, appendices). Graphs, tables and graphics should be placed in the appendices and do not make up the 15-20 pages required. Font and font size: 12 point, Times New Roman. Format your citations according to current APA style.
Capstone Project: VICTORIA’s SECRET
Attached are my:
Capstone Project Instructions (The paper I am requesting) (PDF Assessment 4 Instructions_Capstone Project and MBA_capstone_project_descritpion)
Audio Instructions (Professor 15 minutes)
Capstone Project Scoring Guide
Capstone Project Summery (Word MBA-FPX5910-Project Summary_Assessment 1-1
Capstone Project Proposal (Word MBA-FPX5910-Project Summary_Assessment 2-1
Capstone Project Outline (Word MBA-FPX5910-Project Summary_Assessment 3-1 (with a few graded comments)

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