various health disparities that disproportionately affect Indigenous people and communities

In this course, you have learned about some of the various health disparities that disproportionately affect Indigenous people and communities.
In this assignment, you will work in pairs to undertake an analysis of a health disparity of your choosing.
You can select a health disparity we discussed in the course or something we did not cover. You can think about health broadly – we have talked about issues like specific chronic diseases, social determinants of health, structural determinants of health, and the health needs of individuals and communities. If you would like to discuss your potential paper topic, please email to setup a time with the instructor.
In your analysis, identify a health disparity, describe, and define it, and explain why it is a disparity experienced by Indigenous people. Your analysis should include discussion of the impacts of colonialism and racism on the health of Indigenous people and how this has shaped and impacted your topic.
In your paper, investigate and discuss what are Indigenous people doing in response and what strengths and resilience are supporting individuals and communities. Finally, what can non-Indigenous people and health care workers undertake to promote health equity, what responsibilities roles do non-Indigenous people have to contribute to a good way forward.
Your paper will be 1200-1500 words. Please stay within the recommended word count to attain a reasonable depth of analysis while keeping your writing succinct. The paper will adhere to APA 7th edition formatting, including a title page, font and formatting, and reference list. Please ensure that the tone of the paper is professional. Please include an introduction and conclusion.
You can use resources covered in class, including your textbook, to inform your analysis. You are strongly encouraged to seek additional resources to expand on your topic, especially including Indigenous voices and expertise in understanding the impacts and the ways forward.

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