The Summer STEM Institute (SSI) is a rigorous learning experience that takes advantage of the online learning format to offer an intensive yet enriching academic challenge

The Summer STEM Institute (SSI) is a rigorous learning experience that takes advantage of the online learning format to offer an intensive yet enriching academic challenge. Please reflect on and describe what specifically drives your motivation to learn and how you handle challenges in the face of adversity. (150 Word Limit) *
Please describe why you are applying to SSI and what makes you a good fit for the program. What do you hope to takeaway from SSI, and how will you use what you learned to pursue STEM or impact your community? (150 Word Limit) *
these are promts
SSI students are intellectually curious and have an intrinsic promtpassion for learning. Describe an experience that highlights your intellectual curiosity or passion for learning. this is the 300 words

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