The readings in the document “The Church as a Trans-National Nation” are from early Christian sources

Write 300+ words. The readings in the document “The Church as a Trans-National Nation” are from early Christian sources. A lot of what they were concerned about was the distinctiveness of Christian existence in the world. Draw on what you learned last week about the virtues in order to discuss the virtues you think are most necessary for Christians determined to live in the ways that the early Christian writers describe. What are the specific virtues that come to your mind? What makes you identify these virtues? There’s no “master list” of virtues, although you have seen Aristotle deal with some specific ones (like courage) and the Hovey reading discusses the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. But don’t feel confined by the ones you’ve read about. Any good character quality can count as a virtue. It might help you if you first think about people you consider good and then ask yourself what they are like–what specific qualities they have (maybe they are compassionate, generous, determined, loyal, patient, ambitious, etc). Then the real assignment is to ask yourself what qualities (virtues) you think are most required for Christians to live in ways championed by the early Christian writers you read about this week.

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