The Director of Human Resources has asked you to prepare a poster that can help

The Director of Human Resources has asked you to prepare a poster that can help team leaders during annual reviews of their employees. The poster should clearly explain how performance relates to employee compensation and depict both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards related to performance. In addition, explain how performance measurement and compensation may be considered among a diverse team. With this in mind, using the assignment template provided or any template you find appropriate, create a poster for the session that is informational, visually interesting, and engaging. Your poster should include a short title, information on performance and its relationship to compensation, and any conclusions or recommendations you would have for the team to consider when completing an employee’s annual review. Length: One poster with no more than 300-words. This would allow a person to read your poster quickly to grasp the concepts in no more than 5-10 minutes. References: Support your work with at least 3 scholarly resources. Include a separate Word file with your reference list.

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