Please see the Assignment Launch attached below. Scenario chosen: Human factors

Please see the Assignment Launch attached below. Scenario chosen:
Human factors Assignment Case scenario 5
Jon is a 24 year old man, he is struggling in general with life including his work
and relationships. He has had bouts of depression on and off since age 16 and
has had periods of being prescribed antidepressants, including Fluoxetine and
Sertraline, but as soon as he feels better he stops taking the medication as he
says he doesn’t need them.
Up until this point he had been well for a number of years, he has a supportive
family who try to look out for him and he has a good relationship with them on
the whole. However, in May of 2019 there was a close bereavement in the
family, and at the same time Jon’s long standing relationship with his girlfriend
broke down. Jon took it very badly but rather than talking about his feelings he
started drinking heavily and his mental health started to deteriorate. His work
began to suffer, and he often missed days from work as he couldn’t get out of
bed. His parents tried to intervene and help him, asking him to seek support but
he just pushed them away. He started saying he wasn’t worth bothering with and
that nothing was good in his life. After a few weeks of this behaviour and his
parents becoming increasingly concerned and him increasingly withdrawing,
things came to a head. There was a phone call from Jon, he was desperately
upset and crying on the phone asking for ‘help, I can’t go on like this anymore’
and not knowing what else to do his parents rang the Samaritans. They went to
his house, which was nearby, to be with him.
They advised asking Jon directly if he was suicidal and told them what to say. Jon
told his parents ‘yes, I am having very dark thoughts- I am scared’. At this point
the decision was made to call an ambulance.
The ambulance arrived at the house and the paramedic team assessed Jon at
being at high risk with suicidal ideation and anxiety. They rang the mental health
crisis team and organised to take him to them for assessment that night as they
felt he needed to be seen by a mental health professional immediately. He was
assessed and then admitted to an acute mental health ward where he stayed,
voluntarily, for three days whilst the hospital team put in place a support plan
and treated Jon’s anxiety and MH crisis. At day three he was discharged on
Diazepam, a sedative (for insomnia) and Propanolol, and referred to the Primary
Care MH team. His appt was not for two weeks, his parents were involved in the
plan and although worried still, were glad to have him home.
However, Jon was very good at hiding his feelings and pretending all was well,
and when he attended his first appointment he told the mental health nurse who
saw him that he was much better and his parents weren’t asked about his
progress. The problem was he wasn’t, he was feeling very isolated, alone and
depressed and his parents were very worried. He was referred to the Well-being
team and he was given an appointment with them in six weeks’ time.
Six weeks was a long time, despite his parents trying to look after him and
speaking to the GP to ask for support (who re-prescribed has Diazepam and
Propanol and the sedative). He had no other support from a mental health
professional in the next 6 weeks.
Classification: Restricted
By the time his appointment came around Jon had been readmitted to the acute
ward as he had had a further crisis and yet after stabilisation, he was again
discharged to the community for follow up care. At no point was Jon given a
definitive diagnosis but there was some mention of bi-polar disorder by one of
the nurses. Whilst waiting for follow up care Jon took an overdose of the
Diazepam and Propanol he had left in his house. His parents found him in a very
drowsy state later that afternoon, an ambulance was called. The overdose was
sufficient to cause significant arrythmias and Jon was taken to ED and assessed.
He was admitted to a cardiac ward for monitoring over the next few days.
Unfortunately, due to Covid he was not allowed visitors to the ward and his
parents were not involved in his care or his discharge plan. He was discharged
with an appointment to see a psychiatrist in 6 months time. One month later he
took his own life.

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