Learning Goal: I’m working on a python question and need an explanation and answ

Learning Goal: I’m working on a python question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Pandas AssignmentExplore the UCI Repository and:a.) Load 3 datasets and their appropriate column names. Do not use any of the examples as one of your datasets. Choose datasets that interest you. b.) Choose one dataset and show what each column means.Submit your dataset work in a Jupyter Notebook
Choose one of the data sets you loaded with pandas in “Assignment I: Pandas” and calculate the following for all relevant columns.
Look at the DataFrame shape
describe all numerical features
describe all categorical features
mean for all numerical columns
median for all numerical columns
mode for all numerical columns
standard deviation for all numerical columns
sum for all numerical columns
count for all columns
How many missing values are in each column
value_counts for all categorical columns
Subset your DataFrame based on one condition
Subset your DataFrame based on two different conditions
Subset your DataFrame based on three different conditions
Use loc to slice your DataFrame for the 2 columns that returned the largest sum
Use iloc to slice your DataFrame for the 2 columns that returned the largest mean
Find 2 pandas DataFrame methods we did not cover and use them on your own data. Explain what they do by writing a description in markdown. Docs Here
Requirements: short   |   .doc file

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