Learning Goal: I’m working on a political science discussion question and need a

Learning Goal: I’m working on a political science discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Q1 What were the continuity and discontinuity in the Japanese economy between the pre-war, wartime and post-war periods?Q2 ‘Neoliberal globalisation and the end of the Cold War are a negative game-changer for the Japanese economy.’ Discuss. Q3 What factors influence how East Asian MNEs internationalize?Q4 To what extent can rapid East Asian economic development be explained by the “developmental state”?Q5 How has the rise of the Chinese economy changed East Asia’s role in the global value chain?Q6 “China’s housing bubble will burst soon.” Discuss to what extent you think this statement is true.Q7 Which government strategies were most important for producing China’s economic growth miracle in the 1980s and 1990s?Q8 Why is economic development across regions in China so uneven?Q9 To what extent has Japan contributed to the current international order? Answer with reference to Japan’s role in international (regional) institutions such as the G8/G20, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI), and/or the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM).
Requirements: 3000

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