Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology discussion question and need an explanat

Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Week 1 Discussion Thread1919 unread replies.1919 replies.The Weekly Discussion Forum/Thread is a great place for you to learn from each other and to connect the material we are learning to world around you. I encourage you to actively participate here in a positive and encouraging manner.InstructionsClick the “Reply” box below.
Type your discussion post. (1-3 paragraphs)
Discussion Questions:1. Briefly list three reasons why you think the study of Human Biology is important, in light of any current event.2. Look at the Contemporary Health topics in the syllabus (table on page 4, column 4). List three additional topics (of your interest or relevance), that you would like to be discussed in this or future Human Biology classesBy the end of the day, respond to at least two of your fellow student’s posts by clicking “reply” below their posts. Then commenting on their post, make a suggestion, or ask a follow-up question.
Posts and Reply GuidelinesYour post should: (1) respond to questions posed. (2) be written in full sentences with few grammatical or spelling errors.
Your replies should: (1) refer to and add a personal perspective to post you are replying. 2) be written in full sentences with few grammatical or spelling errors.
As an example, read my “meet your instructor” post.
Requirements: no limit   |   .doc file

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