Learning Goal: I’m working on a art case study and need a reference to help me l

Learning Goal: I’m working on a art case study and need a reference to help me learn.https://www-ontheboards-tv.libproxy.sdsu.edu/performances/in-a-rhythm this essay is about the In A Rhythm performance by choreographer Bebe Miller. (Links to an external site.)Write a richly descriptive essay of 250 – 350 words about the performance. Deeply share your perception of the work. Allow your description to express your understanding of what you perceive. Refer to Deborah Jowitt’s essay “Beyond Description” for ideas on how to write, our work describing all semester, and our class session “Writing for Dance.”This essay differs from Essay 1 in that you must thread a theme throughout your essay. You must not only write observations about the piece, but also offer particular insights about it. There is so much to describe in a 70 minute dance. Make clear choices that demonstrate what matters. Write in the present tense. Dancing is an art form of the present. Note this example of present tenses, “The dancers’ hair is wrapped up in a headpiece that recreates the swirl on top of a soft serve ice cream cone. They toss a fist full of snow into the air before bouréeing to a frontal position. For the first time, the audience can see the rippled abdominal muscles, bulging thighs, and brilliant arches of the feet. With a final low extension of the leg the dancers exit the space.”Your paper must have a title that is interesting and related. It can not be the same title as the show.Basic foundations:Only complete sentences
Only standard academic English
Perfect spelling
You must have paragraphs. These are indicated by a single tab indentation
Write in the present tenseEssay must include the full name of the choreographer and title of the work.
I expect your writing to be:
Richly descriptive
Engaging, nuanced, and original
Absent clichés
Without passive voice
Without word repetition
Without equivocation. Do not use terms like, “seems to be,” “might be,” “appears to,” etc.
Generous with your reader
Writing StyleEliminate word repetition in order to diversify your images.
Do not use contractions, ex. don’t
“A lot” is too informal for this type of essay
Do not use abbreviations. (Write “improvisation,” not improv. Use “introduction,” not “intro.”)
Do not depend on quotations to carry a message. “Normal” and “classic” written with quotations are not appropriate stand-ins for explaining what you mean by these terms.
De-center yourself in order to assert your ideas clearly.Instead of “What catches me off guard…” consider “The dancers unexpectedly‚”
Instead of “I slowly notice” it could be “A subtle change emerged, …”
ProcessI recommend making your own printed copy of a draft if possible. Using a pencil/pen, cross out unnecessary wordiness by “greenlining” (see Omission by John McPhee). If you cannot print, undertake this editing process digitally.
Use the “real estate” of your page well. Like a small dorm or family room, make the best of the space you have.
Requirements: 250 words   |   .doc file

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