Hello, I’m asked to write an essay of 2,200 – 2,500 words and the deadline is th

Hello, I’m asked to write an essay of 2,200 – 2,500 words and the deadline is this coming Friday. The essay question is: Critically analyse at least two distinctive aspects (theoretical and/or methodological) of Post Keynesianism in relation to orthodox macroeconomic theory. When answering the question, you may draw from different strands and themes of Post Keynesianism an d orthodox macro theories. I have sent the professor an outline of the essay to get some comments that can help with writing the essay. So, I would like you to to write the essay taking outline as the base to spread from and MOST IMPORTANTLY fix the mistakes that I have made. One mistake I have done is I haven’t chosen a specific mainstream school of thought. The essay requires me to choose a particular theory, what I have done is I just wrote about mainstream in general which is wrong. Also, please use strong enough economic journals and use them in the essay. After accepting my request, I will provide you with the outline and the professor comments.

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