gained an understanding of culture and its impact on an organization. You have also explored the importance of understanding a cultural setting.

During this week, you gained an understanding of culture and its impact on an organization. You have also explored the importance of understanding a cultural setting.
For this week’s assignment, you will complete a 3 to 5-page cultural analysis of your current organization or one that you have worked for in the past. Your analysis should address the following:
Determine what type of culture the organization has.
Identify the organization’s cultural setting.
Determine the behaviors and or norms exhibited in the organization’s culture.
Discuss the impact that the organization’s culture has on the organization overall. Is it positive, negative, or indifferent? Thoroughly explain your position.
Support your assignment with at least five scholarly or professional resources. Other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included in addition to these specified resources.
Length:3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards
Dimensions of Culture
When you take a look at society, it is difficult to escape culture. Culture is all around you. But what exactly does culture mean? Culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and perspectives on how the world works. Culture can be passed down from one generation to the next and is invisible (SHRM, 2020).
By understanding what culture is, you can move past the notion that one specific culture defines all cultures. Cultivating a global mindset can help you appreciate the different types of cultures. As you will discover throughout this course, there is no one “best” culture, rather only different cultures.
You can further break down the definition of culture into cultural models. Cultural models are a specific set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and perspectives that a particular group may hold. The word group may refer to nations or a geographical area but may also refer to organizations, disciplines, industries, or even smaller subsections of these groups.
Another question that may arise is when and how culture becomes tangible or something that you can discuss? The concept of culture, by nature, is invisible; however, you can see the impact of culture by the beliefs, attitudes, and values that individual people and or groups hold. A cultural setting exists when two or more people come together to accomplish a particular task. Settings can occur in work, school, a house of worship, or a place of recreation. As interaction occurs between people in a cultural setting, certain behaviors have been exhibited that result in culture.
The internationally recognized cultural expert Geert Hofstede, states that culture is just part of the makeup of a person. It shares room with and can be motivated by:
The personality of an individual, which is inherited and shaped by experiences
Human nature, such as feeling, pleasure, or loss, which is universal to human existence
Hofstede further challenges the notion of culture by comparing it to computer software and coined the term “software of the mind.” He saw culture as mental programs that predispose people to patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting. If this is correct, like most computers, multiple software programs run simultaneously to carry out daily tasks (Hofstede et al., 2010). At times, all of the software running simultaneously can create overloads and conflicts and can also crash.
This week, you will gain a deeper understanding of culture and its impact on an organization. You will also explore the importance of understanding a cultural setting.
Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.
Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind (3rd ed., Vol.3). McGraw-Hill Education.
Society of Human Resources Management. (2020). Culture. SHRM Learning System.
Other References:
Does Your Organizational Culture Support Your Business Strategy?
Eaton, D., & Kilby, G. (2015). Does your organizational culture support your business strategy? The Journal for Quality and Participation, 37(4), 4-7.
The purpose of this article is to view how culture aligned with strategy will yield better organizational outcomes due because employees will understand the required behaviors and act accordingly.
Leading Cultural Transformation
Hacker, S. K. (2015). Leading cultural transformation. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 37(4), 13-16.
This article reviews the various elements needed for a cultural transformation and the importance of leading cultural change.
Organizational Culture: Key Issues. A Literature Review
Ilies Liviu, & Metz Daniel. (2017). Organizational culture: Key issues. A literature review. Annals of the University of Oradea: Economic Science, 28(1), 797–805.
The purpose of this article is to give a broad literature review of organizational culture. This allows the reader to become familiar with the organizational culture literature.
The Future of Organizational Culture
Karapancheva, M. (2020). The future of organizational culture. Journal of Sustainable Development (1857-8519), 10(25), 42–52.
The objective of this article is to underline that the organizational culture in the contemporary corporative environment should transcend the status quo and should be one where all members of the culture are valued and accepted.
A Literature Review on Organizational Culture Towards Corporate Performance
Pathiranage, Y. L., Jayatilake, L. V. K., & Abeysekera, R. (2020). A literature review on organizational culture towards corporate performance. International Journal of Management, Accounting & Economics, 7(9), 522–544.
This literature review synthesized the relevant literature pertaining to the role of organizational culture on business performance in a perspective of the corporate group.

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