Description of the assessment This module introduces Organisational Behaviour (O

Description of the assessment
This module introduces Organisational Behaviour (OB) theory and research to help you gain an understanding of the range of individual, group and organisational factors which can influence the way that employees behave in the workplace.
You are required to complete a progressive assignment, building a portfolio of FIVE short answers (600-800 words each), on a week-by-week basis, to satisfy the module learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of Organisational Behaviour (OB) theory and research
2. Apply OB knowledge to analyse the causes of behaviour in the workplace at an individual, team and organisational level
Please note, you MUST attempt and submit answers to all FIVE questions, but you will be given the opportunity to select your best FOUR answers for grading.
This is a progressive assessment and therefore many support plan extensions do NOT apply. Please read the details of your plan carefully if you have a support plan in place or ask your tutor.
Assessment Content
Applying your knowledge from the module to the Insure-You and Re-Call case studies (Appendix A), answer questions 1-5. Support your answers with reference to relevant literature and research in the related areas using the Harvard Referencing system and examples from the case study to illustrate your points where appropriate.
Q1. On completion of week 4:
Discuss the use of rational and bureaucratic approaches to the organisation of work at Insure-You and its impact on organisational behaviour at the call centre. Using examples from Re-Call to illustrate your points, how could any negative impacts of rational work design be overcome?
Q2. On completion of week 6
Evaluate the use of personality testing in the recruitment process at Insure-You and Re-Call. What are the advantages and risks of this type of testing and how could the use of the tests be improved?
Q3. On completion of week 8
Compare the approach to and effectiveness of leadership and teamworking at Insure-You and Re-Call.
Q4. On completion of week 10
Use behavioural learning theory to outline how you could improve the approach to staff training at Insure-You. What could be the limitations to this approach?
Q5. On completion of week 12
How effectively has the introduction of new technology been managed at Insure-You? With reference to relevant research and examples from Re-Call, how could Insure- You improve its approach to managing change?
All answers must be:
· Between 600 and 800 words long. (NOTE: 800 words is the MAXIMUM word limit for each answer. There is no +10% allowance on these questions.)
· Supported with relevant literature using the Harvard Referencing system. This requires citations (references to relevant literature) within the answer itself which then must also be listed in full in a reference list at the end of your work. You may choose to place a reference list at the end of each question OR at the end of the full portfolio. Work will not be awarded a pass grade at this level of study without a clear demonstration of this skill.
· Compiled into a SINGLE word document containing ALL answers which is uploaded into the assessment link on blackboard.
For the final submission you must:
· Submit all FIVE completed questions.
Please note: Your grade will be penalised if your portfolio is incomplete. This includes missing answers, answers that fall short of the minimum word count, unreferenced answers and answers which clearly fail to attempt to address the question that has been asked.
· Include a completed title sheet (appendix B) at the front of your portfolio clearly indicating the FOUR questions you want to be graded. Please note: If you fail to submit this title sheet your tutor will automatically grade the first four answers in your portfolio
Work will be assessed using the undergraduate marking scale and the assessment rubric shown below.

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