Assignment Instructions

Assignment Instructions Due date: NLT 11 January 2022

Briefly describe the arguments in favor of your view on the disparity and concerns regarding the affects of Mandatory Minimum implications on the areas identified in your Problem Statement below.


Mandatory minimum sentencing encompasses a set of statues set by the legislators which has been un-categorically modified thus far. They ensure the provision of specific confinement terms on certain crimes that individuals commit against the government are adhered to definitively. However, over the years, the laws and regulations that incorporate mandatory sentencing have had various negative implications on the following areas of interest: the Economy, the Legal Justice System and Society (ethnicity/gender)


• Speak of how you have considered counterarguments (alternative positions) of that from scholar who have appeared to speak out on the areas of your problem statement.


• Provide 4 peer reviewed scholarly source comments within the past 5 years via Google Scholar (click on include citations and also click “Since 2021” for most current source) that highlight these counterarguments (alternative positions).


This assignment must contain at least 4 credible sources with appropriate citations in APA 7th style; double spaced, be in 12 Times Roman font and most importantly paraphrases rather than long quotations in this assignment are nonnegotiable. Demonstrating how well understanding of all sources by interpreting them in this manner (with an in-text citation author(s) after each paraphrase) is the requirement. No more than 10% of this assignment can be directly quoted and placed in quotation marks. In all cases of citations, remain true to the context of your sources utilized, taking care not to misrepresent or quote out of context.

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