Your task as a leadership mentor to Colleen is to prepare a memo that lays out y

Your task as a leadership mentor to Colleen is to prepare a memo that lays out your thoughts on her situation and some specific courses of action she should consider as she attempts to start leading her new group. Maker sure to giver her a memo with enough detail so that she understands the reasoning behind your recommendation. Also keep in mind the order in which she should follow these steps.
1. Drawing on what you know about leadership, what types of behaviors are going to be most important for Colleen as she begins to interact with her new direct reports? Should these behaviors change overtime?
2. What kinds of power can Colleen use to try to influence others to adopt some efficiency related procedures? Are there certain types of influence behaviors that will be more effective than others given the difficult circumstances?
3. What does Colleen have going for her in terms of getting others to trust her? Are there certain things she should do or say to generate that trust as well as maintain it over time?
4. How does the new structure affect Colleen’s ability to lead? It would be useful to detail some of the pros and cons Colleen will likely face given how things have been organized.
Reference Case Study when applicable

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