Your letter to the editor should be written from a nursing advocacy point of vie

Your letter to the editor should be written from a nursing advocacy point of view and should be related to advocating for the profession of nursing. You may choose a newspaper or nursing journal to submit your letter to the editor. While it is not a requirement to send the letter, you should approach this assignment with the intent of actually sending this letter to further advocating for the nursing profession. A letter to the editor should be direct, concise, and fill only one page as there are space requirements for editors to respond to your letter. It is ok to use a made-up address for this assignment if you do not feel comfortable typing in your home address. However, please understand that only the instructor will see your work and it will not be shared. A true mailing address must be used for the place you would send the letter; do not make up an address- find the correct one for the place in which the letter could be sent. Please also utilize the editor’s name as who you are addressing the letter to.
In the video link below, you will see how to construct your letter to the editor (you can watch without the music and get all the info you need).

Review the ANA’s tip page on writing letters to the editor:
Learning resources:
Read about the American Nurses Association position on advocacy and then explore some of the latest ANA advocacy news using the following reference:
American Nurses Association. (n.d). Advocacy.
Marquis, B. & Huston, C. (2021). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (10th ed.). Wolters-Kluwer Health.
Read: Chapter 6 (Patient, Subordinate and Professional Advocacy): pp 147 – 160.
Siau, K. & El-Omar, E. (2020). How to write a letter to the editor. United European Gastroenterol J, 8(8), 981-982. 10.1177/2050640620956921

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