Your environment health/public health topic has been approved!!! Your research p

Your environment health/public health topic has been approved!!! Your research paper should be written with the consideration of your chosen topic connection to environmental health. In provided information your topic, you will also need to be sure to includes scholarly research on your chosen topic when relating to the health of populations. You are to also make reference to discussions/materials covered in class lectures.
Paper Format should be as the following:
Title Page (Name, Date, Course, Topic, Instructor)
Introduction of Topic
Discussion/Definition of Topic
Literature Review of Research on Topic
Environmental Health Policy Status on Topic
References (at least 5)
The project will include a 5-page paper on the assigned topic. Papers should be written in 12-point, times roman or Cambria font, double-spaced, and with 1-inch margins. Page headers are required (Lastname/ID/Course#). Remember to follow the APA writing style and use proper APA citations when quoting or using a substantial part of an author’s work. All submitted work should meet university level standards of grammar, spelling, and English.

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