Your assignment is to research and then select a SME from either Italy, France o

Your assignment is to research and then select a SME from either Italy, France or Germany the SME can operate in any industry but must only operate domestically. You then conduct a report on how your SME could carry out business and operate in your home country and the cross-culture issues which will arise when doing international business in your country. You should consider the following issues such as leadership styles, human resources, ethics, Hofstede dimensions, organizational culture and behavior, and the roles of global managers. Furthermore, you also need to consider the current global climate and the issues with Covid and government policies within your home country.
This report will count as Twenty Per Cent of the courses total mark and will have a
6000-word limit, there will be a penalty if you go over the word limit.
Understanding cultural differences is one of the most significant skills for a SME to develop to have a competitive advantage in international business so please research well.

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