You will identify an organization of interest andY evaluate its corporate commu

You will identify an organization of interest andY evaluate its
corporate communications (from its web page, its social media
communications, media interviews, and other communications).
Specifically, you’ll evaluate the organization’s desired reputation
and how its corporate communications impact its reputation. You should
conclude with several strategies you think will improve the
organization’s reputation.
You are free to define the scope of your evaluation. The scope might
be narrowed by such factors as geography, time, initiative, campaign,
issue, or other situational factors.
I recommend you narrow your topic and make it manageable. For
example, let’s say you’re interested in the Red Cross. You might want to
explore how it projected and leveraged its reputation to achieve its
goals during the COVID-19 pandemic. You could narrow this project by
focusing on a geographic region (e.g., United States), a time period
(e.g., March 2020), a platform (e.g., Facebook), and an effort or
initiative (e.g., educating the public about avoiding coronavirus,
donating blood, or raising money). Focusing your topic in this way will
make your project more efficient and more meaningful.
Your written report should include an executive summary, a
main section, and an optional appendix. The main section should be
roughly four to five single-spaced pages of text. The writing style
should be easy to read. You should feel free to add images (e.g.,
screenshots) and other visuals that make your report easy to understand.
Rubric (points)
Problem Well Articulated, Specific, Relevant (40)
Methodology Clearly Stated and Sufficient (40)
Analysis Clear, Justified, Compelling (60)
Recommendations Specific, Detailed (with Timeline), Achievable, Connected to Analysis (60)
Overall Quality of Report Writing (60)
Total (300)
I would like to stay narrow the organization to high tech company.

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