You will carry out a small piece of practical research on a ritual practice, fro

You will carry out a small piece of practical research on a ritual practice, from home or in a manner that does not contravene social distancing rules, and write a reflection on it. Choose from one of the following options. (The option you choose should be one you feel safe and comfortable with).
Your essay will describe everything you felt or observed through your practical research, and bring these reflections into conversation with at least two authors covered on the reading list so far.
• Attend a live ritual
• Watch a pre-recorded online ritual
• Partake in a live online ritual
Your fieldwork will take the form of observation. It may include specific bits of information gained through conversations with individuals (whose identity must remain anonymous unless consent is granted), or other written forms of documentation already in the public domain (leaflets, websites, etc.). You are not expected to carry out formal consent-based interviews for this assignment. Your fieldwork will form the basis of a short reflective piece of writing (1500 words max, excluding bibliography) that relates in some way to literature covered in weeks 1- 6 of the course.
Your writing does not have to take a traditional essay-like form. It can be more creative. The mark will be an overall assessment of quality based on the following criteria: quality of fieldwork material, how closely you have observed details, proceedings, etc; use of theory (awareness of relevant theoretical debates; critical assessment of theoretical positions); use of relevant literature (evidence that you have tried to link your experience to something from the reading list); structure of argument (original ideas and approach; intelligent use of analysis, argument, criticism and debate); style and presentation; and correct citation of references. It is important to remember however, that the overall mark is the result of a holistic assessment. For example, brilliance in one criterion does not automatically override weakness in another criteria.

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