You have to write a policy brief to someone to explain to them why something nee

You have to write a policy brief to someone to explain to them why something needs to change and how you can make it better.
POLICY BRIEF (20 points)
Grading Rubric and Instructions:
• Write a title that clearly communicates the topic and position. The title is important
and should share what your brief is about. It can be descriiptive
(i.e.“Kinship Care in Louisiana”) or it can sum up your overall argument
(i.e.“Expanding Medicaid Does not Fix Real Problems in U.S. Healthcare System”)
(2 point)
• A brief introduction that summarizes your argument- Clear statement of the problem
(3 points)
• A brief descriiption of the problem that the policy should be addressed, including its scope and magnitude; Discussion of who is affected and how (3 points)
• A brief descriiption of the policy, overviewing key elements of how it works and any
aspects(s) of the policy’s history relevant to your analysis; How did the policy come
about? (target population, what the policy does, how it works). (4 points)
• A clear and succinct conclusion with justification of a specific, actionable
recommendation for strengthening the policy that you want policymakers to adopt. It
should logically flow from your analysis. (5 points)
• Length of brief as assigned (0 or 1), APA (0, 1, or 2 points). (3 points)
Additional Requirements: All citations must include the author’s name(s) and year, and you
must include a complete reference list consistent with APA requirements at the end of your
The files given will help with the brief.
I will send some good articles as I find them.

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