You can earn up to 10 points of extra credit by completing the following activit

You can earn up to 10 points of extra credit by completing the following activity:
– Create up to 5 multiple choice questions; make sure you have only 1 from each lecture that we have had/will have since the 1st exam
– The questions must also include the correct and incorrect answers
– Please designate which answer is the correct choice by highlighting it, failure to designate the correct answer will mean you lose the points for that question
*** I will post all the readings and lecture slides
*** We have played a jeopardy game where the instructor posted questions on the screen and we had to answer them correctly for points.
It was based off from the readings ” Andersen, Ojeda & Bergstresser, Wang et al., and Pescosolido & Boyer”
i will post a google doc upload so you can see how the professor came up with multiple choice questions of those readings. She only provided the correct answers answers but keep in mind that for this assignment she wants you to include the right and wrong answers in the multiple choice questions

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