You are required to turn in a well-developed reflection paper (double-spaced, Ti

You are required to turn in a well-developed reflection paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 2 pages in length). Higher grades will be given to reflections that are thoughtful, well organized, clearly written, free of typos/spelling errors and that refer to specific concepts and examples from the text or class.
Reflect on what you have read this week and last week about King Arthur’s knights, Sir Gawain, Sir Tor, Sir Pellinore, Sir Galahad, and Sir Lancelot. For this week’s response analyze the Galahad Holy Grail story and analyze how the aspects of chivalry, largesse (generosity), prowess, honor, religiosity, and loyalty, are reflected in the tale. Do these elements work well or can they be problematic? Also, how do these ideas connect to the previous week’s reading on King Arthur’s beginnings and the end of the Round Table, as well as larger medieval themes we’ve discussed in class?
Remember, that you will not simply provide a summary of the tale you choose, but you will need to analyze and use specific examples from the text to establish your argument (include direct quotes).
The previous week’s works are Mallory chapter 2 and 1 files!

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