Write five single pages paper The paper should synthesize the key points from ea

Write five single pages paper
The paper should synthesize the key points from each of the Modern Advances in Leadership Modules, along with key take-aways from experience you had with your coach.
The paper should cover the following items:
1. Considering the modules that covered “Current issues in Leadership,” what do you consider the three biggest challenges that leaders face today?
Modules: Essence of leadership; Multigenerational Implications for the Future @ work; Legal issues in HRM
2. Considering the modules that focused on “advancing your organization,” what tools will you use to effectively lead teams, increase productivity, achieve integrative negotiations; and master innovation personally and professionally?
Modules: Leading teams and increasing Productivity; integrative Negotiations; Mastering Innovation
3. Considering the Modules that focused on “implementation,” how would you apply what you have learned from your coach, along with strategic thinking and blue ocean leadership, to the enhancement of your personal and professional development?
Modules: Strategic Choices Workshop; Strategic Thinking in your Company; From Blue Ocean Strategy to Blue Ocean Leadership
Presenters Must use the “Seven Cs of Original Messaging” (Ted Talk)
Paper should be:
CLEAR- Listeners must be able to repeat your big idea word for word
2. COMPELLING-60 seconds to capture the audience
Regency= relevancy. What just released report can you reference to prove your point?
4. CONGRUENT- Ask yourself , “Is this congruent with my voice, my vision, my values?
5. COMMERCIALLY VIABLE- This should drive business to you
6. CONSISTENT- It’s important for your talk to be consistent with your brand positioning and primary focus,
7. COMPETITIVE EDGE-Your paper should stand out from the rest-design a provocative premise

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