Write an informal review of the book called “The Unhoneymooners” by Christina La

Write an informal review of the book called “The Unhoneymooners” by Christina Lauren.
The book review must be at least 1 page long, 12pt times new roman font, 1-inch margins, and single-spaced. This is an informal write-up that will be graded on effort, thoughtfulness, accuracy in following instructions, and completion:
a. What is the name of the book you read? Who is the author? When was it published?
b. Why did you choose to read this book?
c. What is the book about? In your own words, provide a synopsis of the plot, main characters, central conflict, and setting without spoiling the book.
d. What are some of the central themes/tensions in the book? What does this author/book say about life? The world? Humanity? Morality?
e. Select a short passage from the book that stands out to you. This could be a quote that is particularly powerful, poignant, well-written, emotionally charged, or otherwise memorable. Type it directly into your book review and include the page number(s). Then, explain why you chose that passage and why you believe it’s a key passage from the book.
f. Would you recommend this book to your Honors English 10 peers? Why or why not?
g. What did you enjoy about the book? What did you NOT enjoy about the book?

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