Write a research paper that is at least 2000 words, but no more than 2200 words,

Write a research paper that is at least 2000 words, but no more than 2200 words, not including the cover page, abstract and/or references. It must be a double-spaced research paper using Arial or Times Roman 12-point font. It should be one of the topics covered and discussed in this course. The paper should address the issues of cultural differences in work-related aspects of society. The focus should be on countries and/or regions other than the US; however, the comparative analysis between other nations and the US is appropriate. You may also consider Globalization issues, such as the effect of Globalization on a certain professional field or similar comparisons. Choose a topic that is relevant to the course topics and discussions and something that is relevant to your own professional, personal, and academic experiences and interests.
The paper must be written and organized according to APA format; particularly, pay attention to citations and references of research sources, and to the correspondence between citations in the text of your essay and references at the end. It is expected that you will be using 10 different sources (minimum) that will include academic publications, national/international databases, media/news reports, etc. The cover sheet, abstract page, and reference pages do not count as part of the word count. You do need page numbers.

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