What things do you believe in that give meaning to your life? (Spiritual Assessm

What things do you believe in that give meaning to your life? (Spiritual Assessment Tool, N.D.)
What influence does it have on how you take care of yourself? (Spiritual Assessment Tool, N.D.)
Do you believe spiritual or religious songs support you?
Respond either suggesting one question that might be seen as intrusive or not giving you adequate information.  Propose an alternate question in that case.  If you do not find a question fitting this category, add another question that might follow as a 6th question which would follow up on your colleague’s original 5.  Explain why you are adding or proposing your question.  (3-5 sentences.)
see below
In what type of community do you feel most at home?
What do you believe our society must do to make the world a better place for others?

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