What is an Academic Memo? In the context of PAD 505, an Academic Memo is a memo

What is an Academic Memo? In the context of PAD 505, an Academic Memo is a memo addressed to me that details the results of your analysis of the HR issue you outlined in the problem statement assignment. The purpose of this memo is to have an in-depth exploration of what the course concepts help reveal about the causes and effects of this issue. Recommendations to address the problem should be saved for the Praxis Memo. For the memo, identify at least five chapters (Chapters 8 and 12 MUST be included) and at least two concepts from each of those chapters (i.e., 10 concepts total) from Battaglio that inform your topic. Attached Problem Statement that has to be used The memo should have the following sections in this order: 1) Executive Summary 2) Introduction 3) Extended Problem Statement 4) Analysis Section a. Introduction to the section b. Sub-Sections (one for each of the five chapters) i. Discuss one concept at a time 5) References More specifically, you need to do the following: 1) Include standard memo opening information (i.e., To, From, Subject, Date) a. Address the memo to me 2) Immediately after the to/from/subject/date information, have a short executive summary [ES](i.e., no more than 300 words) in which you: a. Overtly identify the issue you are discussing; and b. Substantively discuss the major conclusions you discuss in the memo (i.e., which concepts you discuss, specifically how they are evident in the issue, what your analysis using the concepts reveals about the causes and effects of the problem, as well as the substantive recommendation(s) you offer in the memo) 3) After the ES, craft a short introduction in which you do nothing more than overtly outline the topics in the memo in the order in which they appear. This section should be relatively short (i.e., aim for 150-200 words, but it can be slightly shorter or longer if needed). 4) After the introduction, craft an extended problem statement. a. In other words, define the basic problem in high-level terms so that I understand not only what the issue is but also the dynamics involved. As much as possible, aim to have this section a high-level explanation of the causal model involved in this topic. b. A solid order for this section is as follows: i. What the problem is ii. What caused the problem iii. What the effects of the problem are iv. Why the agency needs to address this problem 5) After the problem definition, use an APA level-1 heading to identify the start of the analysis section. Spend at least a paragraph overtly and substantively indicating the results of the analysis in the order they appear in the section. 6) Divide the analysis section into at least five sub-sections, or one for each of the chapters you will use in the analysis. a. You should use at least two concepts from each of the chapters you use (i.e., 10 concepts total). 7) In each sub-section of the analysis, identify how concepts are evident in the issue you identified and how they are likely implicated in the topic. a. Think of each paragraph in the analysis as answering this question: “What does [concept] help reveal about the causes and effects of the problem?” b. For extra clarity, you may even opt to use APA level-3 headings to identify the concepts overtly. I strongly recommend doing this. c. The ideal way to construct each paragraph (i.e., one paragraph per concept) is to: i. Briefly state the overall conclusion first. This conclusion is: How a particular dimension of HR is evident in the issue and how it contributed to the causes/effects of the problem. 1. Example: The issue of______ was partly caused by X’s misuse of performance-based pay. ii. Define the concept (i.e., define it in your own words but be sure to cite the book) 1. Example: Performance-based pay is defined as… iii. Narrate specifics on what the concept helps reveal about the causes and effects of the issue you are analyzing. 1. Discuss evidence from the case that leads you to draw the conclusion above. For instance, to continue with the example above, if you mention that some issue was caused by the misuse of performance-based pay, you should discuss how it was misused, who misused it, and why its misuse had the effects it did with respect to the overall problem you are discussing. d. Chapters 8 and 12 MUST be covered in the memo. 8) You can and should use your discussion posts as first drafts of the analysis. However, keep in mind that the structure of the analysis needs to correspond to the requirements above, so you may have to modify your posts. Source you must use: Battaglio, R.P. (2015). Public human resource management: Strategies and practices in the 21st century. Sage.

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