What events in John’s life created a “downward spiral” into homelessness? Which events related to social needs, and which could health care have addressed?

Questions: A Downward Spiral: A Case Study in Homelessness
Discussion Questions:
What events in John’s life created a “downward spiral” into homelessness? Which events related to social needs, and which could health care have addressed?
What were some of the barriers John faced in accessing health care?
Why do you think the emergency department was the first place John thought to go for care? How might the emergency department improve care for patients like John?
Why do you think John wouldn’t make eye contact with the HCH team at first? How would you build a trusting relationship with a person like John?
What aspects of the HCH care do you think represent high-quality care for the homeless? How do you think Maggie made John feel like he was a “real person?”
In your own experience, have you encountered a homeless individual? What was that like? Do you recall what you were thinking?
​​Discussion Questions:
What events in John’s life created a “downward spiral” into homelessness? Which events related to social needs, and which could health care have addressed?
What were some of the barriers John faced in accessing health care?
Why do you think the emergency department was the first place John thought to go for care? How might the emergency department improve care for patients like John?
Why do you think John wouldn’t make eye contact with the HCH team at first? How would you build a trusting relationship with a person like John?
What aspects of the HCH care do you think represent high-quality care for the homeless? How do you think Maggie made John feel like he was a “real person?”
In your own experience, have you encountered a homeless individual? What was that like? Do you recall what you were thinking?

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